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LiteBody: Installation, Configuration and Deployment Guide

The following document is a brief description of how to configure and deploy litebody along with its dialogue manager.

Servlet Deployment Overview

The project is to be deployed as a Java servlet and are deployed on the server using a compliant “servlet container”. Further documentation would provide instructions specific to Apache Tomcat as a servlet container.

Block diagram

The above figure provides an overview on how the components interact with each other.

LiteBody Setup Diagram

Minimum Server Requirements:

  • Windows XP or greater/Linux
  • 1.5ghz Processor
  • 2GB of RAM
  • 1+GB of Hard Drive space.

Setting up the server

Further instructions on setting up the litebody assumes installation of JRE and Tomcat on the server, and the Adobe Flash web-browser plugin on clients.

The LiteBody server has been configured to use the FreeTTS or Loquendo (via their proprietary API) speech synthesizers; the following walks through installation with FreeTTS.

Add the following files in the lib folder of the Litebody TTS project.

From FreeTTS site, download the following files:

  • cmu_time_awb.jar
  • cmu_us_kal.jar
  • cmudict04.jar
  • cumlex.jar
  • cmutimelex.jar
  • en_us.jar
  • freetts.jar

If you are using the FreeTTS engine, you will need to download the following jars from Tritonus site:

  • tritonus_mp3-0.3.6.jar
  • tritonus_share-0.3.6.jar

If you are using the Loquendo TTS engine, you will need to download and compile the following dlls/so. The files to compile the dlls/so can be found at here, then build the following .so or .dll files for based on your server’s operating system:

  • lame_enc.dll (for windows)
  • lametritonus.dll (for windows)
  • liblametritonus.jnilib (for both)
  • liblametritonus.so (for linux)
  • libmp3lame.dylib (for linux)

Deploy a webAgent server

  • For the litebody project, build an executable JAR file by using the Ant tool (build.xml file). Once the build is successful, it would generate a “litebody.jar” file
  • In webapps folder of the tomcat directory, copy over the webAgent project
  • In the webAgent project folder, create a “WEB-INF” folder. Also create a “lib” folder (WEB-INF\lib) and copy the “litebody.jar” generated above in the lib folder.
  • Create a web.xml file with the needed configuration settings. More information on how to setup the web.xml file is given in the “web.xml overview” section below.
  • Modify the serverURL value in the webAgent.properties file to point to the correct URL. The location of the properties file is under the Config folder in webAgent project.
  • Start tomcat service and check if the tomcat home page shows up on the browser when requested for http://localhost:8080
  • Open the url, http://localhost:8080/<project-name>/agent to check to see if the deployment was successful.</project-name>

Deploy the Litebody Client

  • To deploy the Litebody Client, download the LiteBodyClient project from svn and open webAgent.fla using Flash CS4 or above.
  • Once you have loaded up the fla file, publish the project, and place the resulting swf and html file inside the appropriate folder in your tomcat webapps folder.
  • Inside the webapps folder containing the swf and html file, create a new folder called Config, and create a webAgent.properties file with the following information in it:
  • (Without the quotes) “serverURL=http://serverURL/agent”, for additional options, please read the example webAgent.properties provided in the SVN.
  • Start the tomcat service, and check navigate to the html to start interacting with the system.

Please note that a sample configuration of the project is provided in the repository under the litebody-test folder.

Overview of web.xml

All configuration for litebody is done in the web.xml file. This example shows the general layout of the file. Note that the servlet standard gives a lot more possible configuration; this is just what we’re using at the moment. Most of the interesting configuration is in the “init-param” elements.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
  <display-name>Testing the new Litebody protocol</display-name>
    <!-- Additional parameters go here -->


Configuration Parameters

Property Default Description
webframe.dialogue-manager REQUIRED fully-qualified class name of an implementation of the DialogueManager interface
webframe.user-manager NONE fully-qualified class name of an implementation of the UserManager interface; allows an app to customize things like user authentication.
webframe.log-manager NONE fully-qualified class name of an implementation of the LogManager interface; allows an app to customize logging conversation events.
webframe.session-timeout-minutes 10 minutes A conversation is considered to be terminated if there is no contact from a client within this time period
webframe.session-timeout-poll-minutes value of session-timeout-minutes the litebody polls at this interval to check if any idle conversations should be terminated
webframe.tts.server localhost hostname of TTS server
webframe.tts.port 7000 port# of TTS server
webframe.tts.voice Susan TTS voice to request from the TTS server
webframe.validate FALSE if true, outgoing messages are checked against the XML schema; this is good for debugging